A doctor of Internal Medicine is a doctor trained in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses that affect adults from their teens through their senior years. They are unique in their focus on adult medicine devoting at least three of their seven or more years of medical school and post graduate training to this specialty. They are trained in outpatient medicine and hospital based acute level care.
Internists treat conditions as simple as the common cold to more complex conditions and diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Prevention and early detection of illness at a time when disease is most curable is a priority. They will care for you in the office or, for those of you who require hospitalization, on the hospital floors and critical care units. Internists so often serve as medical consultants to physicians in other specialties: They’ve earned the nickname, “the doctor’s doctor.” Sometimes they serve as the gatekeepers to access physicians trained in subspecialty care. They may consult with these doctors and consolidate information for you to help you navigate through a sometimes complex array of tests and procedures.
When you see the letters FACP after your physician’s name they mean that he or she is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Fellows in ACP, the largest society of internists in the world, are a special group of doctors who are dedicated to continuing education in medical practice, teaching, or research. Fellowship is an honorary designation given to recognize ongoing individual service and contributions to the practice of medicine.
Fellowship in ACP is a mark of distinction. It says that your doctor has made special efforts to be a better doctor. Ultimately, it says your doctor cares about delivering good health care.
How many times have you left your doctor’s office without the answers you had been seeking or without having your most concerning problem addressed? Its time you take control over how you want your doctor’s visit to be conducted. This is about empowering you, the patient.
First, think about for what purpose you are scheduling the visit. There are 2 types of visits. They are the Problem Focused or Sick Visit which is used to address a specific concern or concerns, and the Annual or Preventive Medicine Physical which is used to focus more broadly on preventing illness.
For any Problem Focused Visit ,also known as Sick Visit, be prepared. Create a problem list, write it down and prioritize it in the order of most to least problematic. There are 7 basic questions the doctor will need to ask to help diagnose your condition. A good medical history can provide the doctor with 80% of the information he or she needs to make an accurate diagnosis. The questions relate to symptom onset and duration, symptom severity and quality, symptom location and accompanying symptoms. The doctor will also need to know what makes your symptom(s) better and worse. Next, the doctor will perform a focused exam and make an assessment. Diagnostic tests may be ordered. Know what they are for and how to schedule them. Use the office staff to help you. Know what the follow up plan is. If a diagnostic test is performed, be sure you get the result. Don’t ever accept that a no call from the doctor means all is normal. Call the office.
During the Annual Physical, also known as Preventive Medicine Physical Visit you should expect the doctor to guide you through recommendations for healthy living. This should include information on screening tests. The purpose of a screening test is to diagnose illness before symptoms manifest at a time when disease is most curable. Some examples of screening tests include blood testing for cholesterol, colonoscopy, mammogram, and the annual prostate exam. Your physician should also perform a risk assessment for certain common conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Know your family history; it is very important here. The examination is much more detailed than that done at the Focused or Sick Visit. The doctor will start at the head and finish at the toes. You should change into a gown. Important clues to diagnosis can be missed if doctors are forced to work around your clothes. Leave with recommendations for a healthy diet and exercise.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your body is your own and you need to take care of it.... empower yourself!
Orchard Medical Group provides coverage twenty four hours per day, seven days per week for your healthcare needs. If you need urgent medical consultation, simply call the main office line 732-431-1520 and follow the prompts for direct access to the Doctor on call.
If you are experiencing a true medical emergency always call 911 first so that personal assistance can get to your side as soon as possible.
Orchard Medical Group gladly accepts most insurances.
If in doubt, please call 201-688-0823 to verify network participation.
If you are admitted to a hospital, you will be placed under the care of the covering doctor or hospitalist. We will be available for telephone consult with the treating physician as needed. Copies of your hospital records will be requested upon your consent by our office. All of this is to ensure that continuity of care is maintained for your best care.